We are Krauts by langveg - A dish with vegetables

We are Krauts by langveg

The other day in the pub, one of the guys said he’d read something funny in the Fediverse about vegetables and the German language.

A German word or phrase with a vegetable content or connection was roughly translated into English. And at the end, the actual meaning was explained.

We found it just as funny and, over a few beers, tried to collect everything we could think of.

The later the evening, the more beer, the more fun, the more unclear the lang…veguage … langveg … language.

Here is our result. It is by no means complete and can certainly be updated soon. I’m sure it already exists somewhere else. And much earlier. But I just wanted to have it here in the drawers.

Gurkentruppecucumber teama team of nincompoops
Herumgurkento cucumber arounddriving a car with the head in the clouds or driving an old or slow vehicle
Was ne Gurke!What a cucumber!incompetent person; long nose; a run down car or thing
Da haben wir den Salat!There we have the salad!We’re in a fine mess now!
Kabelsalatcable saladtangled cables
Bandsalattape salada completely tangled tape
Tomaten auf den Augentomatoes on the eyesblind with intent
Bohnenstangebean sticktall (and thin) person and sometimes a
Spargelasparagusthin person
Erbsenzählerpea counternitpicker
Kichererbsechickpeaa giggly person
Korinthenkackerdried dark raisins shitting persona nit-picking person too
Rosinenpickerraisin pickersomeone who always picks out the best
Interessiert mich nicht die Bohne!I’m not interested a bean!I don’t give a f**k!
Wie Kraut und Rübenlike cabbage and turnipsa complete mess
Saure-Gurken-Zeitpickle timea dire situation
Sich die Radieschen von unten anschauenlooking at the radishes from belowwhich means you are six feet under
Spargeltarzanasparagus tarzana thin, tall and pale man
Rein in die Kartoffeln, raus aus den Kartoffelninto the potatoes, out of the potatoesfirst it’s one thing, then another
Bohnen in den Ohrenbeens in the earssomeone who will not listen
Die Flinte ins Korn werfenthrowing the rifle into the grainthrowing in the towel
Schnittlauchlockenchive curlsvery straight hair
Junges Gemüseyoung vegetablesteenagers or alike
Das macht den Kohl jetzt auch nicht fett!It would not fatten the cabbage!That doesn’t make much difference!
Einen Blumenkohl ans Ohr labernto talk a cauliflower at someones earsannoyed by a babbler
Volle Möhre!Full carrot!Full power! Full volume! Full blast! Full throttle!
Nackt in den Erbsen stehenbeing naked between peasto be puzzled / confused / lost
Everything together = Was für eine Suppe!What a soup!it’s very foggy

To be continued at the latest when the pub reopens after the summer break.

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